Saturday, February 24, 2007

Citizens Polled, 'Worried' and 'Compassionate'

USA Today conducts a poll of 1,002 Americans regarding the Iraq war with some interesting results:

Given a range of possible words to describe their feelings about the overall situation in Iraq, people were most likely to identify with "worried," selected by 81% of those surveyed.

Other descriptive words selected by respondents:

•Compassionate: 74%.

•Angry: 62%.

•Tired: 61%.

•Hopeful: 51%.

•Proud: 38%.

•Numb: 27%.
The fact that so many respondents returned a 'compassionate' opinion of the war is a positive sign - it shows that American's still have a positive view of the typical Iraqi, and want the US forces to succeed in their efforts. That more than half of the respondents described the situation as 'hopeful' is also a pleasing result.

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