Thursday, February 8, 2007

Dissention In The Ranks - IPCC Report On Global Warming

As Andrew Bolt reports today, not all of the participants in the IPCC's recent report on global warming are towing the line. Some 10 of the 2,500 scientists that contributed to the report are suggesting the debate is not quite as over as the Left would have you believe.

All of this, in the wake of Associate Professor Ross McKitrick's unholy damning of the very same report he participated in, after his own contentions regarding the conclusions of the report were not documented (most likely because he disagreed). His thoughts can be found here.

Clearly, the IPCC bit off more than it can chew by promoting this report as a veritable worldwide opinion on global warming. It's a clear attempt to stonewall dissent and convince the adoring Left-Wing media that the debate is all but over. Despite this, it's important to note that even this report has projected rises in sea-level far below the apocalyptic prognoses of some doom-sayers, including Australian of the Year - Tim Flannery, who fantasizes that melting ice-caps will top buildings dozens of meters in height. The IPCC puts the rises, a tad more believably, in centimetres - meaning you have about a century to roll those pant legs up.

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